Leaves and Flowers

I’ve been a little MIA this month… my apologies! Not only it was Christmastime and all that entails, I was putting the finishing touches on my eBook ‘Losing Alex‘, which is my personal story of when my first baby, Alex, was stillborn at full term. I wrote his story at the beginning of the book I am currently writing about my son Nicholas, who was born with a rare and devastating skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa. I felt his story stood on its own; furthermore, there aren’t that many books that speak about this unspeakable loss, and there were virtually NONE when he was stillborn nearly 18 years ago. If you know anyone that has ever lost a child this way, or have lost one yourself, I specifically wrote this to help others, and it’s my hope everyone can come out with ‘something’ from it.

If you might be so inclined, please LIKE the Facebook page I made for the book, I would so appreciate it. THANK YOU!

OK, on to my beauties!!! I take a walk at least twice a week around my neighborhood and in late November I took my camera with me. These are the photos I took on that walk. I hope you like them!

Love and Light,

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