Our “fend for yourself”, “Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps,” “every person for themselves,” version of Christianity is a…Read MoreJesus Teachings Quote
You may want to actually meet them, hear their stories, listen to their fears, understand them-but something tells me you’re…Read MoreUnderstanding Women Quote
May we never applaud someone’s suffering, never weaponize our religion to do harm, never grow comfortable with hearts that are…Read MoreRefuse Anger Quote
Right now, the real battle in America isn’t between good people and bad people – it’s between open-handed people and…Read MoreThe Battle In America Quote
When someone leaves the world, they leave a void; a massive, gaping hole which they alone filled with their once-in-a-history,…Read MoreLosing a Loved One Quote
In the wake of losing a loved one, everything in your life becomes a potential surprise memorial. These seemingly incessant…Read MoreLosing a Loved One Quote